[TriLUG] mail server plus a side question

Lance A. Brown lance at bearcircle.net
Wed Dec 5 03:54:11 EST 2007

James c. Jones said the following on 12/4/2007 10:45 PM:
> Perhaps, I should revise my original question.
> I want to setup a mail server. Can anyone point me to a good tutorial
> for configuring postfix? I will be installing it on Fedora 7.

HowtoForge has a bunch of very good tutorials.  This one has rather more
than you are asking for, but should include the email bits you need:


 Celebrate The Circle   http://www.celebratethecircle.org/
 Carolina Spirit Quest  http://www.carolinaspiritquest.org/
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 CACert.org Assurer

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