[TriLUG] IP Network Camera/PoE

James Tuttle jjtuttle at trilug.org
Wed Jan 16 13:43:44 EST 2008


I'm buying a wired network camera (that runs Linux!) and want to buy a
Power over Ethernet adapter, but am not sure how the adapters work.  I
guess I'm not sure how the camera gets power from the adapter.

There is a PoE adapter specifically for this camera (
that has a power cable running from the terminating adapter to the
camera.  That adapter is crazy expensive.  I want to buy a generic
D-Link DWL-P200 ( http://www.dlink.com/products/?pid=332 ) that does not
have that wire.  However, I have no idea how this all works together.  I
assume the DWL-P200 comes with a cable that supplies power to the
initiating adapter and you have to figure out the other end on your own.

Anyone know anything about this?

Also, zenity is awesome.  I wrote a small script on my home machine that
initiates a popup dialog box on my work and home machines when motion is
detected in the camera.


---Jim Tuttle
PGP Key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x69B69B08

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