[TriLUG] OT: Standardized Data Crunching

MG mgmonza at gmail.com
Mon Feb 11 16:05:55 EST 2008

Tom Roche wrote:
> Ah, yes: a central catalog of data. Good luck with that :-) Phil
> Rhodes is quite correct that RDF et al provide the means to provide
> standardized global-scale repositories; unfortunately they don't
> provide the funding to do that.

Just to give you an idea of what's involved with one application that's 
gathered and presented one type type of data, here's the EPA's watershed 


There are plans for other types, but only the watershed data seems to be 
there in any quantity.

Note the EPA imposes a standard format on the data before it's uploaded 
from its public sources.  The public users who are also the source of 
the data do the work of pre-formatting the data before it goes into the 
network  While it's doable for users at each end of a node, it would be 
a gargantuan job at the main database end.  Standardizing pre-existing 
data is one of the biggest hurdles to this type of project.


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