[TriLUG] rdesktop any good?

Matt Pusateri mpusateri at wickedtrails.com
Wed Mar 19 15:15:50 EDT 2008

Ron Joffe wrote:
> The easiest way to do this is to load your original machine with it's original 
> windows (or not blow it away as soon as you get it home). Then utilize 
> vmware's converter software to image that machine. Then you have a fully 
> working vm, although it might require re-activation, it should be good to go.
> Ron
> On Wednesday 19 March 2008 11:21, Christopher L Merrill wrote:
>> Warren Myers wrote:
>>> If you have an XP install currently you should already have the license
>>> for it. So, if you run linux but want to put XP in your VM, you could use
>>> the license for the copy you're currently running, and then stop using
>>> the old install.
>> Yeah, in theory that works.  I haven't had much luck getting Windows to
>> install in a VM from an OEM disk...have you?  I know using the OEM serial
>> number on a retail install disk doesn't work.
>> Perhaps this side-topic be taken off-list?
>> Chris
>> --
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -
>> Chris Merrill                           |  Web Performance, Inc.
>> chris at webperformance.com                |  http://webperformance.com
>> 919-433-1762                            |  919-845-7601
>> Website Load Testing and Stress Testing Software & Services
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -

There was an article somewhere a bit ago(lost link) on using vmware 
player to point to the windows partition of your dual bootable machine, 
such that you don't have to convert it and you don't have to build a new 
vm.  You modify the vmx file to point to the block location of your 
windows partition.  I assume if it worked in player you could do it in 
workstation as well.  If anyone knows of that article, please share.  It 
was on /. , or osnews or one of them.

Matt P.

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