[TriLUG] OT: GPS units

Don Jerman djerman at pobox.com
Fri Apr 25 15:58:41 EDT 2008

Another yes for Garmin here, but get a hiking model instead of nuvi -
I have a cs70 (I think, maybe a cs65) which is halfway between an
etrex and a nuvi (color, larger than etrex, but still ruggedized
one-hand design).

Nuvi is great for urban travel but I don't think it's as rugged or
waterproof as the others.  Also don't depend on it as your only way to
get out of the woods - it's good for convenience but it does depend on
charged batteries and satellite visibility.

The older Garmins with serial interfaces do have output modes that
work with Linux.  Don't know about the newer usb models.  You will
(almost certainly) need to boot Windows to do bios flashes and load
maps (if someone knows different please say which wine version I need
to load...).

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