[TriLUG] Looking for jobs... any ideas?

Cristóbal Palmer cristobalpalmer at gmail.com
Tue May 13 14:44:39 EDT 2008

On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 12:33 AM, Justis Peters <jtrilug at indythinker.com> wrote:
>  Can you comment more on this? If lots of people are doing it, perhaps
>  the rest of us need to know the path. Are you talking about selling
>  services around an open source product or putting a "donate" button on
>  your project's website?

I get paid to work at ibiblio. I know people paid to work on/with Open
Source Software at UNC's libraries, Duke libraries, Lulu, UNC's
Lineberger Cancer Center, UNC's ITS, consulting firms based in RDU and
Durham... I'm running out of steam.

In what setting would you like to work? Academia? Health Care?
Consulting? Large firm? Small? For many tech niches and markets,
there's plenty of FOSS.

Cristóbal M. Palmer
http://tinyurl.com/3apraw "They also abandoned other volumes, later,
while fleeing from the librarians."

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