[TriLUG] how-to: preshare ssh key
Maarten Lippmann
m.w.lippmann at gmail.com
Tue Jun 3 13:33:37 EDT 2008
A trick would be the following: create a private-public key pair with
If you want to run rsync without any authentication requests,
you'll have to create the private key without a password. (it will ask
you for one, just press return)
Put the private key in the ~/.ssh folder of the system that initiates
the rsync connection (the ssh client side), and add the public key to
the authorized_keys file in the ~/.ssh folder of the connection
receiving end. (the ssh server)
Now all ssh connections are free and without any prompts from the
private key system to the public one.
Be sure to set this up carefully, I am not responsible for any
security issues this might cause.
On Tue, Jun 3, 2008 at 1:15 PM, Warren Myers <volcimaster at gmail.com> wrote:
> I need to set up rsync between a pair of servers and want to use ssh to
> accomplish that.
> However, I don't want to be entering the passwords of those users
> constantly.
> How do I go about pre-sharing the server keys between the target and source
> machines?
> Or, is there a better way to do this than I have currently out-lined?
> --
> Warren Myers
> http://warrenmyers.com
> --
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