[TriLUG] OT - TWC bandwidth caps on the way?
OlsonE at aosa.army.mil
OlsonE at aosa.army.mil
Fri Jun 6 08:46:27 EDT 2008
....looks like I need to move to Wilson ...haha. I'd gladly pay $100/mo
for 40/40
-----Original Message-----
From: trilug-bounces at trilug.org [mailto:trilug-bounces at trilug.org] On
Behalf Of Greg Brown
Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2008 8:11 PM
To: Triangle Linux Users Group General Discussion
Subject: Re: [TriLUG] OT - TWC bandwidth caps on the way?
Before just being "slammed" with this new "feature" I'd like TWC to
the amounts of data I'm using on a month-by-month basis so I'll know
what to
expect from any new reconfiguration of services going forward. They
already do this for all I know - the only interaction I have with TWC is
paying the monthly bill. I don't even know what my e-mail address was
when I signed up.
As I've stated before TWC does a good job compared to my other provider
(Charter). My modem is on and stays connected, aside from the annoying
times during electrical storms. I can live with this. Still I wish we
FiOS in the area, or something akin to what Wilson, NC did with
Take a peek at those speeds and prices. Yes, the prices presented are
bundled services and may increase if you wanted "only" high-speed, but
at the speeds! 10/10 is the slowest you can get, and that is as in 10
I'd really like to hear from a business or consumer who has this service
what they think and is it as fast as advertised (and I'd really like to
what ISP(s) they are peering with).
On Thu, Jun 5, 2008 at 7:01 PM, bak <bak at picklefactory.org> wrote:
> Jeremy Portzer wrote:
> >
> > I really am not a TWC apologist. I know they do a lot of stupid
> > and are a huge company with a lot of power in the market. But I do
> > think people need to realize that TWC's idea is NOT unreasonable -
> > we'll see if they manage to implement it in a rational manner.
> >
> Thinking about it a little more, it seems to me most of the outrage is
> centered around a few memes that seem to be in most folks' brains:
> 1-- They advertise it as unlimited service; now they'll limit it and
> advertise falsely
> 2-- They don't have any local competition in many areas; we get less
> our money with little or no recourse to vote with our dollars and go
> elsewhere
> 3-- They're not really out of bandwidth; this is a mere money-grab
> they feel they can get away with
> 4-- Folks downloading movies will compete with their VoD service; this
> is anti-competitive and meant to make other VoD offerings more
> and less attractive to TWC subscribers
> 5-- They're limiting by total data in/out without taking into account
> any other factors
> It's easy to see why it would give a subscribe a bad taste in his/her
> mouth.
> Speaking for myself, I would rather pay more up front and be
> rate-limited down to 50% (still usable for VPN, can still download
> movies from Amazon or NetFlix or Xbox games) after 50GB than get
> per-GB. Or have peak/off-peak taken into account when calculating
> usage. ANYTHING other than just pay-as-you-go extra data.
> --bak
> --
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