[TriLUG] OT: amateur radio bug has bit again

Neil L. Little nllittle at embarqmail.com
Tue Jul 8 14:48:52 EDT 2008

The antenna for the JARS repeater is on the south east side of the 
WRAL-TV antenna with a powerdivider and 1/4 wave antenna on the West 
side of the tower. This is so that it will not interfere with repeaters 
in Roanoke,VA and Charlotte, NC. Youngsville also seems to be in the lee 
of a ridge.

Neil, WA4AZL
JARS Forever!!

Greg Brown wrote:
> I found some local repeaters and broke out the old (VERY OLD) scanner.
> http://www.rars.org/repeater/trirpt.htm#2%20Meters
> I'm listening to JARS on 147.2700 right now from Youngsville.  It's choppy,
> but a better radio would help tremendously I'm sure.
> This seals it, I'm going to get my license.
> Greg
> On Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 8:23 PM, Michael Ansel <michael.ansel at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Just one other area to look for help: Boy Scouts. I got my ticket in
>> high school after taking the radio merit badge at camp. Not sure what
>> all there is in the triangle, but I know in South Texas they also
>> teach a course aboard the USS Lexington (retired aircraft carrier)
>> On a side note, I'd also be interested in learning about the local ham
>> activity. Though I'll be gone for the Fall, I will be back at Duke in
>> the spring and hope to get involved in TriLUG and a local amateur
>> radio club.
>> Also, on the topic of scouts, I'll be out of touch for the next 10
>> days as I will be backpacking at the Philmont Scout Ranch in New
>> Mexico (at base camp now, we head out tomorrow). However, if you have
>> any questions about learning radio through scouting, I'd love to
>> answer them afterwards!
>> Michael
>> Sent on the go from my iPhone
>> On Jul 7, 2008, at 1:24 PM, David Black <dave at jamsoft.com> wrote:
>>> Here's a good place to start:
>>> http://www.arrl.org/FandES/field/club/clubsearch.phtml
>>> Find a club near you and ask them about available classes and nearby
>>> VE
>>> (volunteer examiner) sessions.  Another great resource are hamfests -
>>> basically ham-oriented electronics flea markets, regularly held at the
>>> state fairgrounds in Raleigh, among other places.  There you'll also
>>> find info about classes, study aids and testing.
>>> If you're new to ham radio, a book like this one can be helpful:
>> http://www.amazon.com/Arrl-Ham-Radio-License-Manual/dp/0872599639/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1215456305&sr=8-1
>>> For people with EE/CompE/CS backgrounds, the technical part of the
>>> exams
>>> can be relatively easy.  The rules 'n regs deserve rote
>>> memorization, in
>>> particular the frequency allocations by class and band plans:
>>> http://www.arrl.org/FandES/field/regulations/bands.html
>>> I used to be fascinated with VHF/UHF and built and operated a solar
>>> powered 440 repeater, but more recently am getting back into HF with
>>> the
>>> intention of playing with some of the new digital modes and even
>>> dusting
>>> off the CW paddles and keyer.  The Durham FM Assoc. happens to set up
>>> for Field Day in a pasture down the street, and this year (June 28-29)
>>> were happy to put me to work helping set up/tear down and for a couple
>>> hours man the 20m phone operating position.  If you're into weather
>>> spotting, during inclement weather Skywarn activity on the area 2m ham
>>> repeaters can be informative and exciting, especially if you
>>> participate.
>>> All around, Lots of fun to be had - good luck and hope to hear you on
>>> the air!
>>> Dave
>>> AD6Q
>>> Greg Brown wrote:
>>>> About four years ago I started down the path to gain my amateur radio
>>>> license but had to abandon the quest after my work travel schedule
>>>> interfered too much with classes.  Now I'd like to finish that
>>>> process and
>>>> obtain my license.  I haven't found any classes available during my
>>>> brief
>>>> search.  For all the hammers out there what are my best options?
>>>> Do you
>>>> have any links you could provide?
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> Greg
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