[TriLUG] Vista - is it *so* bad? Was: Hans Reiser leads cops to wife's body.
Chris Knowles
chrisk at trilug.org
Thu Jul 10 11:18:54 EDT 2008
I find it odd that I'm about to post a mini-review of Vista on a Linux
User Group mailing list.
at $COMPANY I lost the coin toss, and got a shining new Vista box to
test with all of our software, hardware, network, etc. This is all
about the business version of Vista, YMMV
Hardware wise the box is probably 2x the XP box it replaced, and 3x the
Linux box I mainly use.
It runs the same speed as both of them.
They've reorganized things. Want to uninstall software, you won't find
Add/Remove programs, It's "Remove Software". Want to do any number of
tasks that you did without even thinking in 95, 98, (God Help me) ME,
2000, XP? You'll likely be googling or using the help files to find what
they've decided to call things.
The software compatibility is hit or miss. There are 15 year old 16bit
apps that work like a champ, there are microsoft products, circa 2000
that don't.
UAC: While I applaud making the users aware that they are going to be
changing things that are important to their system, or alert them that
something bad might happen, I can't help but feel that making a user
click "Yes" every time they try to connect to the VPN doesn't help
anything, and will in fact make them ignore the UAC, thus making it
worse than it was before it existed.
Pros: It's not as bad as everyone says it is.
Cons: It's *almost* as bad as everyone says it is.
I am -><- this close to installing Ubuntu on my sainted Mother's PC,
rather than trying to explain the newest changes. If it weren't for
some of the esoteric software she uses, it would already be on $WIFE's
On Thu, 2008-07-10 at 11:00 -0400, James Tuttle wrote:
> I've never used Vista and likely never will, but is it really so bad? I
> know people seem to hate UAC and the hardware reqs are pretty bad, but
> is it so shitty? For the record, I truly hope it is. I just can't
> believe I'd be so lucky as to receive my wish for their stunning failure.
> Jim
> Greg Brown wrote:
> > From a senior manager where I work: "Vista has all the flaws necessary to
> > supplant Dos 4.0 as the second worst abomination inflicted on the world from
> > the geniuses in Redmond. Microsoft Bob remains theoretically untouchable at
> > number one."
> >
> > On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 10:31 AM, Matt Bidwell <bidwell at dead-city.org>
> > wrote:
> >
> >> Greg Brown wrote:
> >>> On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 10:26 AM, Scott Lambdin <lopaki at gmail.com>
> >> wrote:
> >>>> Make him work on Vista?
> >>>
> >>> We have a winner!!!
> >> You know they have laws about cruel and unusual punishments?
> >>
> >> Matt
> >> --
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> --
> --
> ---Jim Tuttle
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