[TriLUG] battery life, EeePC 1000 vs 900

David A. Cafaro dac at trilug.org
Thu Aug 14 12:34:12 EDT 2008

Oh, bios lost password is the least of your worries, check out this:


And yes my brand new EeePC has the same old version of samba running  
by default.

I just posted a write up on my blog (www.cafaro.net), as I have  
FINALLY found a way to disable/control samba, portmap, and the  
webserver that runs when you start the anti-virus manager.  Here are  
the details of how to disable them, and I highly recommend all EeePC  
users doing it:

    1. Shutdown Samba and Portmap - These services are on by default  
and there are known security issues with the version of Samba that  
comes with the EeePC.  Here is how to make sure they are stopped and  
don't come back on.  Be warned, if you do this you will not be able to  
share files with others from your computer, though you can access  
files on other computers:
           * First start up a terminal window by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T
           * Next issue the following commands:
           * sudo invoke-rc.d samba stop
           * sudo update-rc.d -f samba remove
           * sudo update-rc.d samba stop 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 .
           * sudo invoke-rc.d portmap stop
           * sudo update-rc.d -f portmap remove
           * sudo update-rc.d portmap stop 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6.
           * Next edit the services file using the following commands:
           * sudo vim /usr/sbin/services.sh
           * Press the "i" key to begin edit mode
           * find the line:
             start-stop-daemon –start –quiet –oknodo –exec /sbin/portmap
             and comment it out like:
             #start-stop-daemon –start –quiet –oknodo –exec /sbin/ 
           * find the line:
             /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d samba start
             and comment it out like:
             #/usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d samba start
           * Press the "ESC" key, then press the ":" key, then type  
"wq" followed by pressing the enter key

    2. There is a webserver that runs on the EeePC any time you launch  
the anti-virus icon under settings.  It by default hides the content  
from the internet, but the webserver is still listening on the  
internet port.  To force the webserver to ONLY listen to your local  
machine (and not advertise to the rest of the world) do the following.
           * You need to edit the following file using the commands:
           * sudo vim /usr/lib/esets/webi/nginx/conf/nginx.conf
           * find the http {} section,  then the server {} section and
           * Press the "i" key to begin edit mode
           * change "listen 20032;" to "listen localhost:20032;"
           * Press the "ESC" key, then press the ":" key, then type  
"wq" followed by pressing the enter key
           * Reboot the computer as there is no clean way to stop the  


On Aug 14, 2008, at 12:11 PM, Alan Porter wrote:

> After reading your review, I am jealous of your all-day battery life
> that you get out of your EeePC 1000.
> I have an EeePC 900, and I have always felt like its battery was
> somewhat weak.  So today, I left it powered on, not really doing
> anything, writing the date to a file every minute, screen blanked,
> wireless on.  After 193 minutes, it finally pooped out.  Better than I
> expected.  I'll have to try again when I am actually USING it.
> One other quirk that I noticed was that the BIOS forgot the time and  
> my
> BIOS password!  So, quick security hack -- let the battery run dead  
> and
> my EeePC is pwned.  :-)
> Alan

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