[TriLUG] TRILUG MEETING - Rolling Your Own: Building a REAL Internet Appliance

Dave Moody davethebald at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 10 21:16:45 EDT 2008

Mr. Porter - I have been receiving TriLUG emails for a few months, but have not had an opportunity to attend a meeting, as I travel every week.  I am west of Charlotte right now until Friday.

However, I am very interested in this subject, as I am a very enthusiastic amateur geek.  I have looked at DSL and another (the?) other small linux ( I can't recall the name off the top of my head).  What you're describing also sounds like fun. 

I do not know how these meetings work, but, will there be a presentation of some formality?  Could I see it after you are done?  Am I being totally inappropriate?

Ignorantly yours

Dave Moody

--- On Wed, 9/10/08, Alan Porter <porter at trilug.org> wrote:
From: Alan Porter <porter at trilug.org>
Subject: [TriLUG] TRILUG MEETING - Rolling Your Own: Building a REAL Internet Appliance
To: "Triangle Linux Users Group discussion list" <trilug at trilug.org>
Date: Wednesday, September 10, 2008, 11:01 AM

I just wanted to remind everyone that the September TriLUG
meeting will be tomorrow (Thursday) at Red Hat HQ at 7pm.
See http://www.trilug.org for directions.

This month's topic will be "Rolling Your Own: Building a REAL
Internet Appliance", presented by me.

I will be showing the internet-enabled oven from TMIO.  I
will show how we built our own Linux distro from scratch,
MacGyver style, starting with nothing but a kernel and busybox.
There will be a few demos, including:

- A short promotional video, with cheesy music that sounds like
  it came from a pr0n movie.

- "tmioppix", a customized LiveCD that we used to flash CF cards.

- The obligatory bash session, showing how packages are built.

- A live remote-control demo of the oven.

If you ever felt like your Linux system was bloated, and you
want to see what "bare bones" looks like, this will be a good

Or if you just heard the words "internet oven" and thought
this might answer some questions (and create many, many more).



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