[TriLUG] NC*SA Monthly Meeting (10/13): Apple IT Strategies

Liyun Yu liyunyu at med.unc.edu
Wed Oct 8 10:10:58 EDT 2008

The next meeting of the North Carolina System Administrators
organization (NC*SA) is next Monday, October 13, 2008.
Details about the meeting are provided in this note. 
We hope to see you there!

NC*SA Monthly Meeting: Apple IT Strategies
7:00 pm Monday, October 13, 2008
Location: Auditorium, UNC-TV
Research Triangle Park, NC
(Free Pizza Dinner will be served at the meeting)
(Directions at the end of this email)

*Topics and Speakers: *

Topic: Apple IT Strategies

This presentation will focus on an introduction to OS X core 
technologies, directory services integration, virtualization, and best 
practices for client management and deployment strategies. In addition, 
we will explore Apple collaboration services with a look at enterprise 
reference environments.

Speaker: Francis Shepherd, BIO

Francis Shepherd is a Senior Systems Engineer for Apple in North 
Carolina. With over 30 years experience in the communication arts field, 
his career has transcended advertising photography, print and web 
design, interactive media, software development, visual FX production, 
and technology consulting. Francis is a frequent technical presenter at 
IT conferences, workshops, and media events. His focus areas include 
integrating media into enterprise environments, mentoring content 
innovators in digital media initiatives, meme tracking, and exploring 
new trends with emerging technologies.

UNC-TV- http://www.unc-tv.org
TriLUG - http://www.trilug.org


Directions: http://www.unctv.org/aboutus/directions.html

 From I-40 East (Chapel Hill/Greensboro/Charlotte):

    * Take Exit 279B (Durham Freeway/Highway 147 North).
    * Take the second exit (Alexander Drive).
    * Turn left at the traffic light at the top of the exit ramp.
    * Cross over the bridge and take the second right
      (approximately .5 mile).
    * At this point, you should see signs for UNC-TV.**

[Note: If traveling I-40 East, you will see Exit 279A (To Alexander 
Drive/Durham Freeway South). Please do not take this exit as you will be 
on the opposite end of Alexander Drive from UNC-TV and increase your 
travel time.]

 From I-40 West (Raleigh/RDU Airport)

   1. Take Exit 279B (Durham Freeway/Highway 147 North).
   2. Take the second exit (Alexander Drive).
   3. Turn left at the traffic light at the top of the exit ramp.
   4. Cross over the bridge and take the second right
      (approximately .5 mile).
   5. At this point, you should see signs for UNC-TV.**

Our meetings are free and open to anyone with an interest in the topic
of the evening and/or system administration.  We will be providing food
and drink for the evening. If you have any questions please contact the
Steering Committee at:

ncsa-steer at ncsysadmin.org

Directions to the meeting are available on the web at
ncsa-announce mailing list
ncsa-announce at ncsysadmin.org
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ncsa-announce at ncsysadmin.org

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