[TriLUG] Fall 2008 NCSU Linux Installfest

Ed Anderson nilbus at nilbus.com
Mon Oct 27 12:29:15 EDT 2008

This Saturday is NCSU's Fall 2008 Linux Installfest!

When: Saturday, Nov 1, 10:00am
Where: North Campus, Fox 115 (Bldg 76:
http://www.ncsu.edu/campus_map/north.htm )
Parking: Ample parking is available on Saturday on Yarborough Dr.
 - Install or Update your Linux system
 - Volunteer to help out
 - Ask questions or get help w/ your Linux issues
 - Enjoy Food, LAN games, and have fun with other linux users

We'll have installation/live CDs for the following linux
distributions, so you can try  out or look at whatever you like:
 * Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex 8.10 (release Oct. 30) w/ New ATI Graphics Drivers
    - Gnome 2.24, KDE 4.0, and EEEPC versions
 * Fedora 9
 * Arch 2008.06
 * Mint Linux 5
(others available by request)

If you know student groups or individuals who would be interested in
volunteering or attending, please pass this along their way!

See you there!

Ed Anderson
nilbus at nilbus.com

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