[TriLUG] Running Winders XP in Linux

Brian Phelps brphelps at ieee.org
Mon Dec 15 10:08:36 EST 2008

I have run a previously native XP under a VM by first booting a live linux
cd in the VM and then:
 dd if=/dev/hdb of=/dev/hda

hdb is the original Windows install, hda is the new virtual drive thats the
same size.

If you go from AMD to intel or vice versa it bluescreens like was mentioned
I was unable to fix this bluescreening issue.  Maybe someone here has a fix
for that.

Wine really works well for just about everything else.  It just takes a bit
of patience to troubleshoot font and dll issues.  The exception is hardware
drivers that is Windows only.

I used vmware (free server edition), but it should be possible in Virtual

On Sat, Dec 13, 2008 at 11:03 PM, Cristóbal Palmer <cmp at cmpalmer.org> wrote:

> On Sat, Dec 13, 2008 at 7:48 PM, Neil L. Little <nllittle at embarqmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > As this is my first attempt at using virtualization ever and I see that
> > there are more than one choice (QEMU, KVM, OpenVZ etc.), so which
> > application is going to allow me to set this all up with the least pain?
> Virtualbox under Ubuntu is ridiculously easy, especially if you just
> want NAT on the guest machine.
> > 1. Making an Image of that Winders hard drive
> > 2. Installing a virtual machine application on Ubuntu
> > 3. Getting that XP installation running in the virtual machine
> vmware was the way to go for this last time I checked. I have no idea
> if virtualbox will let you do that. If you're not terribly worried
> about the effort of re-installing the OS and software, then you could
> just mount the drive (or an image of the drive), recover your data,
> and then pull that to the new virtual machine that you install under
> virtualbox.
> Cheers,
> --
> Cristóbal M. Palmer
> "Small acts of humanity amid the chaos of inhumanity provide hope. But
> small acts are insufficient."
>    -- Paul Rusesabagina
> --
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