[TriLUG] iptables masquerading question

Steve Kuekes steve at kuekes.homeip.net
Tue Mar 31 12:25:25 EDT 2009

I've got a interesting requirement that I need to implement in my 
firewall/NAT which is running Linux using iptables.

I've got multiple static IP addresses coming into my linux firewall and 
the firewall listens to them using eth1 as 74.xxx.xxx.153 and eth1:0 as 
74.xxx.xxx.154 and eth1:1 as 74.xxx.xxx.155.  Normally my outbound 
masquerade traffic is sent out the using the xxx.153 address.  I have a 
vendor that needs my source address to be the same as my https secure 
web server which happens to be on xxx.155.  So how do I get iptables and 
/or the kernel routing tables to send outbound traffic that is destined 
for a specific internet IP address out the eth1:1 adapter rather than 
the default eth1 guy?

Any suggestions would be appreciated...
Steve Kuekes

Insight Racing - Urban Grand Challenge('07) - http://www.insightracing.org
Private Pilot: N9259R '95 Saratoga based at Sanford-Lee County Regional 
email: skuekes at nc.rr.com

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