[TriLUG] what is blocking a website in winxp?
Neil L. Little
nllittle at embarqmail.com
Tue Apr 21 16:54:46 EDT 2009
ok got it backwards....NSLOOKUP
Neil L. Little wrote:
> I think you can query the DNS using...LOOKLNS from CMD on a winders
> machine.
> That might not be right. Its been a while.
> Carl Crider wrote:
>> Have you checked the HOSTS file? Also check for a hidden copy of it.
>> Sounds like a case of xx_ware to me. I second looking at DNS on the
>> box Vs your laptop. Clean the machine ASAP.
>> On 4/21/09, James Jones <jc.jones at tuftux.com> wrote:
>>> All,
>>> A friend of mine has a winxp-home pc with sp-3 installed. Using any of
>>> 3 browsers, ( opera, IE6, firefox ), she cannot go to one website that
>>> she used to visit regularly. She receives a timeout. I can hook my
>>> laptop into her network and using any browser on either winxp or
>>> ubuntu, I can access the website with no problem.
>>> From her winxp, I can ping the site and do a tracert to the site with
>>> no problem.
>>> I can disable her norton anti-virus and windows firewall and there is
>>> no change. There are no entries in restricted areas of ie, no entries
>>> in hosts file.
>>> I have even tried to use the system restore, but system restore is
>>> always incomplete -- no changes.
>>> What am I missing?
>>> The website is http://www.healthjobsusa.com ( she is looking for a
>>> nursing job and needs to connect ).
>>> If I don't have a solution soon, I guess I can always install ubuntu
>>> as a dual boot so she can get to the site --
>>> --
>>> Jc Jones
>>> Blogs -
>>> http://www.wendellgeek.com/weblog/
>>> http://kixtech.blogspot.com/
>>> webmaster for:
>>> http://www.raleighchurchofchrist.org
>>> http://www.wendellgeek.com
>>> http://classof1955.org
>>> http://www.tuftux.com
>>> http://www.dabeak.com
>>> http://www.therealpatpatterson.com
>>> http://jonesjc.freeshell.org
>>> http://www.trilug.org/~jonesjc
>>> --
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> --
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