[TriLUG] what is blocking a website in winxp?
James Jones
jc.jones at tuftux.com
Thu Apr 23 16:58:23 EDT 2009
Problem is temporarily solved. It appears that each time the the site
was blocked the router's firewall logged a "invalid tcp header" error.
I disabled firewall within router and made sure that firewalls within
the house computers are up and working.
By disabling the firewall within the netgear router, the problem has
Now the BIG QUESTION(s) are..
1. why was I able to access the site using knoppix distro on cd for my
operating system? 2. Is there something within the request being sent
to the website that is returned in the tcp header that is being sent
corrupted within the winxp or ubuntu?
3. Why would it not be corrupted within knoppix???
At least the lady can now send resumes to the website and Hopefully
find the work she needs.
I need to learn more about LANs and WANs and such THANGs.
Thanks for all the input so far. Hopefully someone can shed light on
my above questions.
On 4/23/09, Lucas Myers <lucas at unthunk.com> wrote:
> Since you can connect using a linux boot it's probably not a problem with
> the router, modem or ISP. More likely a driver, config, or program issue.
> Here's a few ideas:
> -Try booting into "Safe Mode with Networking" and seeing if it can connect.
> If so, there may be a program installed that is preventing the browser from
> working.
> -Install a different browser to see if it can connect (i.e., try installing
> Chrome if it's not on the box).
> -Check the hosts file
> (c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts) and remove any
> offending entries.
> -Try is uninstalling and reinstalling TCP/IP from the Network settings in
> the Control Panel.
> -Check for updated drivers for the NIC. Window Update may have them listed
> as Optional Updates., or find the NIC in the Control Panel Device manager
> and check for an updated driver there, or see if the PC or NIC manufacturers
> have one on either of their websites.
> Good luck!
> James Jones wrote:
> Chris and all,
> On the modem router issue, I plan to investigate more thoroughly
> today. When you access the modem/router using the default username and
> password, there is NO screen or menu item for content filtering.
> In the last 30 minutes I found a complete reference manual for the
> modem/router. There is another login using superuser and password (
> most likely changed by road runner ). If it is at default, I will be
> able to inspect the blocking routines within the modem/router's
> firewall.
> If I am not able to access this area, I will place a call to RR.
> What is really weird is the fact that a knoppix operating system is
> able to access the site using the same hardware as ubuntu and winxp is
> using.
> I will report what I find and IF I find a solution.
> jcj
> On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 8:17 AM, Chris Knowles <cknowles2112 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Hmm... reading the manuals for the CG814WG (which appears to be comcast
> only??) and the related CG814M, they both claim to have a firewall inside of
> them, specifically in the CG814M there's a section on "Filtering" in the web
> interface including a "block sites" section.
> I can't find any screenshots of the web interface for the CG814WG.
> Only two thoughts...
> 1) re-check to make sure that any filtering options are turned off. You
> might even reset the netgear to factory defaults. (If the password is still
> default, there's a chance you've got someone mucking with teh settings)
> 2) What is the IP address of the computer when you are in windows, ubuntu,
> and knoppix. Theoretically, with most DHCP servers, they should be the
> same, but is the address is shifting, and whatever rules are in the router,
> that could explain why it works in one and not the others.
> Good luck. These kind of problems can cause premature graying.
> On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 1:15 AM, James Jones <jc.jones at tuftux.com> wrote:
> Patrick and all,
> I have used a guest account on the same box. It provides the same results.
> Here is my results from today's activities.
> 1. checked for malware with spybot-S&D .. Plenty of "problems" but
> when all problems were removed, the block website still existed as
> blocked.
> 2. Used autoruns, process explorer to find any unusual startups -- none
> found
> 2. The day before I had inserted a knoppix cd in the machine and
> booted to it. I could reach the website from konqueror within knoppix.
> Based on this, I installed Ubuntu 8.10 on her pc today. THE BLOCKED
> WEBSITE WAS STILL BLOCKED when using firefox on ubuntu.
> Note: I again inserted the knoppix cd and booted to it and COULD
> access the website -- no blocking!!!
> The internet service provider is road runner and the cable modem/wifi
> router is a Netgear model number cg814wg. I don't see any place in
> it's administration for blocking external ip addresses and no firewall
> on the router.
> I am nearing the point of blowing winxp away and re-installing,
> something I don't like to do. It means that I haven't found the
> problem.
> Perplexed -- jc jones
> On 4/22/09, Patrick Brewer <patwbrewer at yahoo.com> wrote:
> While I would first expect malware, I have had heard of issues similar
> that are resolved by blowing away the browser config. A simple test for
> that would be to create a new user or try to connect from a guest account if
> one exists on the box.
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Jc Jones
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