[TriLUG] Drupal Possibilities and Opportunity

Brian Blater brb.lists at gmail.com
Wed Jun 24 11:34:38 EDT 2009

Hi everyone,

I've been working with a friend of mine that runs a online
Newsmagazine in Italy. I guess a few days ago his provider (US company
in Texas) was hacked and he still hasn't got anything back on line. I
was talking to him about what he was doing and I guess his provider
created a PHP page with a custom interface for him to manage updating
the site. After asking him some questions I gather he is just doing a

I talked to him about doing something with Drupal or something similar
and moving his site to another provider (like a2hosting or dreamhost).
Obviously a2hosting or dreamhost can provide the virtual linux server.
He doesn't have the skills to do Drupal (he's the content guy) and
neither do I (I'm more infrastructure). I was wondering if there was
anyone here that would like to look at this opportunity.

I'm pretty sure Drupal or some other CMS could do this. Basically he
would just like a newsmag setup with a similar look to www.asca.it. He
has a limited budget, but would like to get things back up and

If you have any suggestions, please post up. If you are interested in
talking further about this as an opportunity or have specific
questions, contact me off-line.


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