[TriLUG] Common home directory
Tom Roche
Tom_Roche at pobox.com
Sun Jul 26 14:09:29 EDT 2009
Scott G. Hall Sun, 26 Jul 2009 02:32:32 -0400
> I am trying to properly map across [several different OS,] GUI
> environments and window managers, different productivity software,
> and browser and email programs (though Firefox and Thunderbird
> predominate). I want updates done while logged in one environment to
> be reflected instantly when the user logs into another environment
> in the same local network. But I want to do this with a minimum of
> mounted directories and mapped drives per user
I did a very small version of this recently: interop for 2 OS
(cygwin/xp-sp3 and xubuntu-9.04) and ~2 apps (emacs and firefox) on 1
box. The good news is, non-default profile sharing just works for
firefox--with caveat below--so it should also work well for
The main problems I've found (corrections appreciated--my linux chops
are still pretty weak) are (in decreasing order of significance)
0 My plan had been to just mount my cygwin /home/user as my ubuntu
/home/user, and just use that. However all files and dirs in my
ubuntu mount of my NTFS partitions always/immutably present as
root:root with 777. Unfortunately some xubuntu apps wanted to have
/home/user/.whatever s.t. .whatever is owned by user:group or had
specific permissions (e.g. 600), and bitched/moaned/failed
otherwise. In response I mounted my cygwin/xp /home/user in ubuntu
like /home/user/xp_home, and wherever possible symlinked from its
/home/user to /home/user/xp_home. That has worked well.
1 Update management schemes differ by OS. Notably, firefox manages its
own updates in winxp (or user hits mainmenu>Help>Check for updates),
but ubuntu manages updates for all apps (and under ubuntu Help>Check
for updates does not work). Usually this won't be a problem, but I
managed to stumble into the firefox 3.0.x -> 3.5.x transition, and
* (about this I'm certain) ubuntu won't be updating its main firefox
package until the next version
* (about this I'm fairly certain) 3.5 runs significantly faster on
winxp than does 3.0.x
* (about this I seem to recall) there are differences between the
3.0.x and 3.5.x profiles that break interoperability
Hence I installed firefox-3.5 (aka shiretoko) on xubuntu-9.0.4,
which created a /home/user/.mozilla/firefox-3.5. I then copied the
relevant stanza for the "real" non-default profile from one
profile.ini to the other, and 3.5 runs from both OS w no problems.
Similarly for emacs,
* the default xubuntu package is version=22, though an emacs-21 is
also available
* cygwin defaults to 21, with a 23 also available.
* some important emacs packages (e.g. nXhtml/nxml, org-mode) or their
dependencies are add-ons in earlier versions but are included with
later versions.
But I've been on emacs so long that my /home/user/.emacs.d/init.el
already tests for version and changes load-path (et al) accordingly.
HTH, Tom Roche <Tom_Roche at pobox.com>
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