[TriLUG] A UNIX oldie and perhaps a goodie

Greg Brown gwbrown1 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 29 16:42:42 EDT 2009

One of my co-workers found a machine local with the correct type of tape
drive.  We're going to give that a shot.

2009/10/29 Cristóbal Palmer <cmp at cmpalmer.org>

> On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 2:33 PM, Greg Brown <gwbrown1 at gmail.com> wrote:
> > What's interesting here is *I think* this tape contains the /audio
> directory
> > from sunsite.unc.edu prior to The Great Disk Crash.
> Paul Jones laughed about this and told me the story, which I had not heard.
> >  I have absolutely no
> > way of reading the tape.  If anyone is interested in the tape and has
> > something that can read it I'd be curious to know what's actually on this
> > thing.  If the tape does indeed include the old audio directory from
> Sunsite
> > I'd be interested in coverting the tape to some other useable format.  I
> > have no idea what format the audio files are stored as but I would assume
> a
> > plug-in for Audicity exists.
> We here at ibiblio would be happy to give it a shot. :) Write me
> off-list and we'll see what we can do.
> Cheers,
> --
> Cristóbal M. Palmer
> "The fun thing is to try to persuade others to share your opinions
> about what rules and what sucks. Nothing is more fun than evangelism."
>  --Larry Wall
> --
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