[TriLUG] CHCCS Connect 2 School

Carl Crider c.crider at gmail.com
Tue Jan 5 09:56:25 EST 2010

Another thread on the subject.


On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 9:54 AM, Carl Crider <c.crider at gmail.com> wrote:

> Using those Ubuntu links I was able to get it running on 8.04 and 9.10
> Both are working for us (Seawell, Smith, CH High)
> On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 9:11 AM, Tom Roche <Tom_Roche at pobox.com> wrote:
>> Has anyone setup a linux client for the Chapel Hill/Carrboro school's
>> Citrix system for students? Why I ask:
>> I'm setting up a netbook (a System76 starling running ubuntu jaunty)
>> for my GF's daughter, who attends Smith and uses Connect 2 School
>> to do and submit homework. I note
>> http://www2.chccs.k12.nc.us/education/components/docmgr/default.php?sectiondetailid=73390
>> > Connect 2 School is the district's application and virtual desktop
>> > delivery system. [...] Citrix XenApp [formerly MetaFrame] is the
>> > product that makes all this possible.
>> I'm assuming this can be accessed from a linux, despite
>> http://www2.chccs.k12.nc.us/education/components/faq/faq.php?sectiondetailid=17640#answer_11
>> > Q What operating systems are supported by Connect 2 School?
>> > A Windows 2000, XP, and Mac OS 9.2 is the minimum supported.
>> since
>> >   OS 9.2 will work without an installed Citrix client. (Note: OS 9.0
>> >   and OS 9.1 will not work unless the Internet Explorer (IE) version
>> >   is at 5.4 or higher. This is a Java issue prior to OS 9.2 that
>> >   prevents a Citrix desktop from being launched via the web
>> >   interface.) [But] Internet Explorer is no longer supported for Mac
>> >   users. Use Safari or Mozilla instead.
>> it sounds like I'll just need Java, a Java-enabled browser (presumably
>> firefox), and a Citrix client (perhaps only for troubleshooting).
>> Can someone who has already done this, preferably on ubuntu, share
>> their experience? If not, I'll try
>> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1164069
>> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CitrixICAClientHowTo
>> One more general side question: Citrix offers version 11.0 linux
>> clients @
>> http://www.citrix.com/English/SS/downloads/details.asp?downloadId=3323&productId=186
>> but just a tarball and an RPM. Given that I'm running ubuntu, would
>> alien improve my life, or am I better off installing the tarball?
>> Feel free to respond directly to me as well as the list, and TIA,
>> Tom Roche <Tom_Roche at pobox.com>
>> --
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