[TriLUG] Need secondary DNS provider

Brian Templeton bpt at tunes.org
Thu Feb 18 11:19:21 EST 2010

Alan Porter <porter at trilug.org> writes:

>> can the trilug machine do this? Seems like a useful thing to
>> do for members.
> I am sure that it would not be too hard to provide DNS service
> on the TriLUG machines.
> However, what WOULD be hard is the user interface where we allow
> our members to make changes to their DNS records.  We probably
> don't want to go passing the root passwords around.  So we'd need
> a secure way for folks to make their own DNS changes, and to
> securely consolidate them together into a single BIND/whatever
> config.
> I am not aware of any ready-to-use packages that do that part.
> And I really don't feel like experimenting in this space.  If you
> find a multi-user DNS management package, please share with the
> group.  Otherwise, I would recommend the free services mentioned
> here.
HCoop's domtool allows untrusted users to configure bind (and other
services: Apache, Exim, etc.) for their domains:


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