[TriLUG] Need for a Wire installer, 4 wires, 1 room, 1 conduit

Jim Ray jim at neuse.net
Thu Oct 28 08:42:20 EDT 2010

Don't be too surprised if you are looking at 5+ person hours at whatever
the prevailing rate. If you have conduit, you definitely may use the
lesser expensive non plenum rated cable and could probably get away with
the lesser expensive Cat5e cable and still push gigabit Ethernet for
short distances like that.

Small jobs are more expensive than large jobs on a per wire basis
because you still have the fixed setup time.

We are not always the most affordable yet do wiring. However, we are
booked solid until week after next.


Jim Ray, President
Neuse River Networks tel: 919-838-1672 cell: 919-606-1772 skype:

The ONE(tm) Plan from Neuse River Networks 
Put maintenance behind the scenes, after-hours and out of your way.


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-----Original Message-----
From: trilug-bounces at trilug.org [mailto:trilug-bounces at trilug.org] On
Behalf Of Stillman, David
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2010 10:09 PM
To: trilug at trilug.org
Subject: [TriLUG] Need for a Wire installer, 4 wires, 1 room, 1 conduit


I need a wire installer in the area to run 4 wires from a wiring closet
the bottom floor of a commercial townhome to a room upstairs.  The
closet has a conduit that appears to run to each room, so the pull
should be
pretty easy.

Anyone know an affordable installer in the area, and any opinions on
the job might cost?

Please reply asap.  On list is fine, since I bet others have the need
so often.

Thank you.

This message was sent to: Jim Ray <jim at neuse.net>
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