[TriLUG] OT: Cover letters from h377 [was: looking for resume writer/improver]

Rodney Radford rradford at mindspring.com
Mon Jan 24 14:00:34 EST 2011

The hiring manager at my first job out of college, SAS, had a "wall of shame" of resumes and job applications he posted on the wall immediately beside where new applicants would sit when being interviewed. At some point during the interview he would point to it and ask if they felt there application deserved to be up there.

Some of my favorites were:
   * a new college graduate who had worked at several part time jobs as a proofreader and who had several spelling errors on their own resume (no, they did *not* even get an interview)
   * an applicant who listed "human sexuality" as relevant courses in college, explaining it helped her learn how to interact with colleagues better
   * an applicant who described a 'mooning' event they did in college in the section of 'prior arrests'. Now while people can do strange things in college, this guy carried it a bit further by describing it as a great experience that helped him solidify his directions going forward and brought personal insight.  In other words, a bit BS.

-----Original Message-----
>From: Chris Merrill <chris at webperformance.com>
>Sent: Jan 24, 2011 1:22 PM
>To: Triangle Linux Users Group General Discussion <trilug at trilug.org>
>Subject: [TriLUG] OT: Cover letters from h377 [was: looking for resume	writer/improver]
>BTW, if anyone is looking for a list of things NOT to put in your cover
>letter, I suggest starting with the "Cover Letters From H377" page of this
>advertising company:
>  http://www.killianadvertising.com/coverletters.html
>If nothing else, it's good for a laugh or two...
>------------------------------------------------------------------------ -
>Chris Merrill                           |  Web Performance, Inc.
>chris at webperformance.com                |  http://webperformance.com
>919-433-1762                            |  919-845-7601
>Web Performance: Website Load Testing Software & Services
>------------------------------------------------------------------------ -
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