[TriLUG] Upcoming vote on TriLUG non-profit status

Justis Peters jtrilug at indythinker.com
Thu Feb 3 17:10:44 EST 2011

On 02/03/2011 04:23 PM, Brian Daniels wrote:
> It seems to me that a major question in need of resolution is whether 
> losing our status would imperil our server hosting, and meeting space 
> at RedHat.
I am confident that our corporate status will not affect the offer of 
meeting space at RedHat. There are other groups, such as TriDroid and 
Raleigh.rb, which meet there regularly and are not incorporated. Based 
on inquiries I have made in the past, all you need is a friendly 
employee from RedHat who is willing to coordinate with facilities and to 
work the door for us. In our case, we have the very kind and gracious 
Brock Organ. To my knowledge, he plans to continue helping us with this.

The largest risk regarding our meeting at RedHat is the length of their 
lease on that building. I think they're planning to move somewhere else 
in the Triangle.

If we were not to meet at RedHat, I am confident we would find other 
space. For now, I'm rather glad that we have both RedHat and Brock Organ.

Kind regards,

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