[TriLUG] Want to Participate in World IPv6 Day?

Chris Merrill chris at webperformance.com
Thu Mar 31 09:26:29 EDT 2011

On 3/31/2011 9:13 AM, matt at noway2.thruhere.net wrote:
> ...
> didn't happen.  I am also no closer to truly understanding IPv6 and what
> it means for me and my private and public networks.
> I would like to understand what I need to do to convert to IPv6 on my LAN
> and verify that everything works.  I want to know what kind of costs I am
> ...
> I am also not certain how I feel about eliminating NAT.  I don't want
> every device on my network to be directly available and I like having non
> routing address spaces to use. I like having that extra security barrier
> of a public gateway to my network and it seems like part of what IPv6
> wants to do is do away with this.
> In the mean time, I have some studying to do.

Ditto all of that.

Maybe this would make a good meeting topic?  I might even make it to that one.

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Chris Merrill                           |  Web Performance, Inc.
chris at webperformance.com                |  http://webperformance.com
919-433-1762                            |  919-845-7601

Web Performance: Website Load Testing Software & Services
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