[TriLUG] IPv6 workshop

Jonathan Woodbury jpwoodbu at mybox.org
Mon Apr 18 11:56:56 EDT 2011

I was talking with some folks at work about this and it was suggested
that one could probably configure radvd to configure hosts with both
global IPv6 addresses as well as unique local addresses
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unique_Local_Address) just by specifying
both a unique local address prefix and a global address prefix in your
radvd config.

Hosts on each network would use their global address when reaching out
to the Internet, but you could still address each host with their
unique local address.

Greg, does this resolve your blockers?

On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 4:18 AM, Alan Porter <porter at trilug.org> wrote:
>> I work at Tekelec, a company that makes number equipment.
> Wow, I need a proofreader... Tekelec makes Number PORTABILITY Equipment.
> That's basically large distributed real-time databases that are queried
> whenever a phone call is connected, and updated whenever a new phone is
> activated or ported to a new carrier.
> We heard a lot about Tekelec's fail-over / high-availability systems in
> the January 2011 and October 2009 LUG meetings.
> Alan
> .
> --
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