[TriLUG] Computer stores]
Carl Crider
c.crider at gmail.com
Thu Jul 21 10:34:06 EDT 2011
Should we organize a "buy local" purchase day, where we TriLUGers all
go to Intrex (or other local shop) and buy something ... anything. [?]
On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 10:24 AM, Chris Merrill
<chris at webperformance.com> wrote:
> On 7/21/2011 10:07 AM, Alan Porter wrote:
>> Sooner or later, these people will realize that if you want to keep the
>> local stores, you will have to actually buy stuff from them.
>> Sadly, this same story is being played out in the computer parts stores,
>> too. I hope we don't lose Intrex any time soon.
> Chicken and egg problem. Before moving here I lived in Cleveland and we had
> a great computer store there. It was huge, CompUSA sized, but locally owned
> I think. Shopped there all the time. When I first moved here, I tried Intrex
> maybe 5-10 times. Never once did they have what I needed. Their website
> was pretty sparse (and still is). Didn't much like CompUSA either. So I
> switched to NewEgg and Amazon. Saves me a lot of time.
> I'm happy to support _good_ local vendors, but I'm not driving all over town
> to find a part that I can order shipped to my door...for less. Life is too
> short!
> Frankly, I surprised Intrex is still in business...or any other small, local
> computer store. Tough business.
> --
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -
> Chris Merrill | Web Performance, Inc.
> chris at webperformance.com | http://webperformance.com
> 919-433-1762 | 919-845-7601
> Web Performance: Website Load Testing Software & Services
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -
> --
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