[TriLUG] OT: Suggestions for reliable, affordable web hosting

Igor Partola igor at igorpartola.com
Tue Nov 15 10:57:34 EST 2011

I've had some bad experience (overselling) with some more off-brand shared
hosting companies. Whatever one you go with, at least make sure they
support SFTP, and not just plain old FTP.

If you change your requirements slightly, you may get a better solution.
For example, if you are a bit more hands-on, getting a VPS might be a
better solution. I've used Linode before and they are pretty sweet. Also,
http://prgmr.com/xen/ has had very good reviews, despite the ugly site. I
typically check http://lowendbox.com for reviews.

Another way you could go is if you only need a blog/CMS. At that point,
something like Tumblr or WordPress.com might be better, since there is less
possibility for servers getting abused here.


On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 10:48 AM, Eric H. Christensen <
eric at christensenplace.us> wrote:

> Hash: SHA256
> On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 09:47:52AM -0500, Paul Boyle wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > The "faith community"  to which I belong needs to change where we have
> our website hosted.  I would like suggestions for a reliable and affordable
> web hosting service.  Do many web hosting companies provide discounted
> rates for non-profits?  If you don't want to clutter the list with OT
> traffic, please email me directly.
> >
> > One person in our community suggested GoDaddy.  If you have specific
> feedback regarding GoDaddy pros or cons, please feel free to share those
> comments as well.  Thanks.
> >
> > Paul
> I've used 1&1 (http://1and1.com) for years and have had no problems.
>  They're cheap, reliable, and are quick to help answer any questions you
> might have.
> I remember some cons for GoDaddy but since I don't use them I don't
> remember what they are off hand.
> - -- Eric
> - --------------------------------------------------
> Eric H Christensen        eric at christensenplace.us
> "Sparks"                  sparks at fedoraproject.org
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> =9fQq
> --
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