[TriLUG] Own your own cable modem?
Igor Partola
igor at igorpartola.com
Thu Nov 17 11:36:44 EST 2011
all I can find, but they confirmed the $5 discount over the phone.
One other thing to consider is that if your modem breaks and you are
renting, TWC will replace it. If you own it, it's up to you to replace it.
Depending on your requirements, that may or may not be acceptable.
On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 11:33 AM, Bill Farrow <bill at arrowsreach.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 10:47 AM, Igor Partola <igor at igorpartola.com>
> wrote:
> > I use my own Motorola modem. You get a $5/month break (or rather you
> don't
> > have to rent a modem from them for $5). It is a 20 minute phone call to
> set
> > up the modem. Then you have to take the rented one to a service center.
> My TWC bill does not itemize any equipment rental, just a single line
> for internet service. Is there any published info on how much it will
> reduce my bill to use by own modem ?
> Bill
> --
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