[TriLUG] Own your own cable modem?

Alan Sterger asterger at earthlink.net
Fri Nov 18 12:33:34 EST 2011


I've seen references prohibiting owners from supplying their own modems 
on TWC systems.  However, as far as I can tell this isn't a uniform 
policy on all TWC systems.  As was stated in another post, Adelphia 
acquired systems never had to return cable modems.

Are all TWC customer service reps knowledgeable on customer supplied 
cable modems?

Could have sworn I asked about this when relocating here last year and 
was told using my own cable modem was not an option.  However I do see 
them for sale at Wal-Mart.

Another thought, if you own your own cable modem, will TWC push firmware 
updates to it?


Alan Sterger

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