[TriLUG] About "Private notes"

Steve Litt slitt at troubleshooters.com
Thu Apr 19 09:14:35 EDT 2012

On Wed, 18 Apr 2012 18:59:25 -0400 (EDT)
Jack Hill <jackhill at jackhill.us> wrote:

> My preference if for the list software to not munge the reply-to
> field at all.
> More discussion can be found here: 
> http://marc.merlins.org/netrants/listreplyto.html

Ah yes, the Chip Rosenthal defense. I should employ his techniques more

1) Adopt a tone of superiority and authority, then act like those who
disagree are idiots.

2) Base the whole argument on the user having "a reasonable mailer",
whatever that is.

3) Use an ugly sounding name "munge" instead of just saying "default
reply to the list".

4) Prioritize the technology (the RFC's) over the intended function
(discussion list)

5) Illustrate how wonderfully it works out with my own arcane technology

6) Make it about the brain-dead vs. the conscientious, instead of
convenience in pursuit of the intended function.


I think I'll use the preceding techniques to write an article called
"Brake munging (antilock brakes) considered dangerous". My 1959
Plymouth doesn't use brake munging, and it's easy to stop by
repeatedly backing off the brake when it starts to skid. This complies
with the principle of least surprise, as with a reasonable braking
system like my 59 Plymouth, you never have that buzzing pushback from
your brake pedal. Brake munging adds unnecessary complexity to coddle
the brain-dead at the expense of the conscientious. 

Chip Rosenthal my aunt's hat!


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