[TriLUG] [Have a Job] Fwd: Urgent Need for Lead Performance Tester

John Riselvato jdriselvato at gmail.com
Tue Jun 12 09:47:51 EDT 2012

I figured I would pass this out to the group. Not sure who is interested in
Moving to NY/NJ, but maybe you can work remote.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Naresh Agrawal <jobs at viprosystems.com>
Date: Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 9:24 AM
Subject: Urgent Need for Lead Performance Tester
To: John Riselvato <jdriselvato at gmail.com>

 Hi John,****

Good Morning!****

** **

I am working on to fill these two open positions immediately.****

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*Position 1**.* Security Application* QA Tester* NY/NJ.****

*Position 2**.* Lead *Performance Tester* for NY/NJ****

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Just wondering if you know any of your friends who are looking for a job
and have the above skills.****

Ask them to send me the resume if they have the exact matching skills.****

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Thanks John, I appreciate your help.****

** **

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** **

   Naresh Agrawal****

   (856) 520-3450****

   jobs at viprosystems.com****

         **[image: photologo4]******

Vipro Systems LLC****

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** **

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