[TriLUG] copying files

Alan Porter porter at trilug.org
Fri Jun 22 13:06:18 EDT 2012

You are 99% there.

step 1 - generate a public-private key pair using ssh-keygen -f keyname
step 2 - copy the public part to your destination $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys
step 3 - tell rsync to use the private key
rsync -auvz -e "ssh -i keyname -p xxx" src/foo/ user at host:/dest/foo/

step 4 - profit!

>  rsync -auvz -e "ssh -p xxx" src/foo/ user at host:/dest/foo/
>  To be scriptable this method needs a passwd-less ssh account. This
>  isn't acceptable.

# ????o? u?l?

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