[TriLUG] copying files
Joseph Mack NA3T
jmack at wm7d.net
Fri Jun 22 14:13:52 EDT 2012
On Fri, 22 Jun 2012, Robert Dale wrote:
> Or do it the other way around. Have the server initiate
> rsync+ssh requests to the clients. Then you could have
> passphrase-less keys of the clients on the server and have
> the clients trust the server's key. Then you don't need
> any access from the client to the server.
I like this. With Bill's way, if the box doesn't phone home,
I don't know if it's lost power, has been run over by a
pick-up truck, is safely on a shelf back in the office, or
is being disassembled in the basement of a TriLUG'er. With
the server having the passwd-less private key and the client
having the public key, it doesn't matter what happens to the
client box.
Bill again
> I like this way too, but it has some inherent problems if
> you don't control how the client box is deployed. The
> client box might have a dynamic IP address, and it might
> be behind a NAT or firewall.
doh. This is one of my main constraints. The client box must
operate with any IP and behind a NAT box or firewall. You
can't expect it to ever get a SYN packet.
Is there a reverse way of doing the key exchange? ie the
client establishes a tcpip connection and tells the server
to initiate an ssh/rsync connection?
this doesn't work, as the ssh command executed on the server
will start it's own separate connection
client:# ssh server 'rsync -auv /client/foo /server/foo'
maybe I will need a vpn after all. That will allow the
server to connect to the client inside the vpn.
Joseph Mack NA3T EME(B,D), FM05lw North Carolina
jmack (at) wm7d (dot) net - azimuthal equidistant map
generator at http://www.wm7d.net/azproj.shtml
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