[TriLUG] RTI as a meeting place?

Roy Vestal rvestal at trilug.org
Mon Jul 16 14:48:57 EDT 2012

There are 2 requirements, at least when I was there:

1. He simply has to say he wants to be the room sponsor, with the 
proposal showing some educational reasons.
2. He will need to be at all meetings using the space to verify the RTI 
room policies are being followed. Essentially, he will be the "chaperone".


On 7/14/12 10:07 PM, Brian wrote:
> Roy,
> I have a friend who works at RTI and is a Linux enthusiast.  What does 
> it take to be a room sponsor?  As far as I know, my friend is not in 
> any management position, but he might be able to help get a bug into 
> the right ears.
> (Staying on-list in case anyone else has the same question; feel free 
> to respond off-list)
> Cheers,
> ~Brian
> On 7/14/2012 5:59 PM, Roy Vestal wrote:
>> If you want to use the RTI space, you need to find a room sponsor within
>> RTI. Their policies haven't changed.
>> With that said, I don't have any contacts there that would be
>> interested. I would suggest contacting the office of the CIO.
>> Former RTI space sponsor,
>> -Roy
>> On 7/11/12 9:52 PM, Chris Knowles wrote:
>>> Yeah, I loved the RTI space.  Several factors contributed to our 
>>> leaving.
>>> As stated, we totally outgrew the space, for the last several months we
>>> were there, it was standing room only, and on at least one occasion 
>>> I bet
>>> we were in violation of some sort of code.
>>> Our sponsor left the company, and then the guy who stepped up to be our
>>> sponsor left too...
>>> And finally they were tearing down the building we were meeting in to
>>> rebuild, and they apparently either didn't have, or weren't 
>>> interested in
>>> having us in any other space on their campus.  (The story I was always
>>> told
>>> was that they didn't have any other space of that size.)
>>> All that being said, I bear no ill will to RTI for the moving away.
>>> And I
>>> do know that RH is moving to new space 'soon' - so I wonder if our SC
>>> should investigate the space from RTI...
>>> CJK
>>> On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 7:45 PM, Joseph Mack NA3T <jmack at wm7d.net> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> On Wed, 11 Jul 2012, Neil L. Little wrote:
>>>>   Perhaps that went on in the background beyond my notice. It was my
>>>>> understanding that we out grew the meeting place. I do remember 
>>>>> all the
>>>>> folks stacked along the walls month after month.
>>>> I wasn't going to TriLUG meetings during this period, so there's a
>>>> missing
>>>> piece for me too. NCSA was having the opposite problem, so if
>>>> crowding was
>>>> the problem with TriLUG at RTI, they should have loved having NCSA.
>>>> The message we got from RTI was that educational meetings, unless for
>>>> the
>>>> benefit of RTI staff, weren't part of their mission.
>>>> I just remember appearing at RTI one night and we weren't allowed in.
>>>> Communications within NCSA weren't well organised at the time and I
>>>> expect
>>>> several people let the ball drop. But the thing I took away was RTI's
>>>> attitude about things that didn't directly benefit RTI.
>>>> Joe
>>>> -- 
>>>> Joseph Mack NA3T EME(B,D), FM05lw North Carolina
>>>> jmack (at) wm7d (dot) net - azimuthal equidistant map
>>>> generator at
>>>> http://www.wm7d.net/azproj.**shtml<http://www.wm7d.net/azproj.shtml>
>>>> Homepage http://www.austintek.com/ It's GNU/Linux!
>>>> -- 
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Roy Vestal

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