[TriLUG] Thursday 10/18 - ISSA - Triangle InfoSeCon

Alan Porter porter at trilug.org
Sun Oct 14 18:35:33 EDT 2012

>From http://raleigh.issa.org/conference.html

I am not sure if TriLUG is considered a "sister organization" or not.  If so, your TriLUG card could save you $35 on the admission price (normally $90).  Liyun, can you comment?



Our eighth annual Triangle InfoSeCon will be held at the McKimmon Center <http://raleigh.issa.org/directions.html> in Raleigh, North Carolina on the campus of NC State University from *7:00 AM* through *5:30 PM*.

*Registration*, *Breakfast*, and *Exhibits* open at 7:00 AM followed by presentations starting at 8:30 AM.

Keynote speakers are *Chris Nickerson* <http://raleigh.issa.org/conference.html#chris>, Lead Security Consultant at Lares, and *Stan Waddell* <http://raleigh.issa.org/conference.html#stan>, Executive Director and Information Security Officer at UNC Information Technology Services (ITS), and *Lance Spitzner* <http://raleigh.issa.org/conference.html#lance>, Certified SANS Instructor and Founder of the Honeynet Project.

The Raleigh ISSA Chapter fall conference is a great opportunity to learn more about information security, talk with companies who provide security products and services, and network with fellow information security professionals. We submit CPE Credits automatically for attendees who provide their CISSP certification information.

The conference goal is to educate attendees about information security, including executives responsible for regulatory compliance and security, information security professionals, software developers, and anyone who wants to know more about information security.

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