[TriLUG] Proposed OSS Youth Group - feedback requested

Jeremy Davis jeremydavis at jeremydavis.biz
Thu Dec 13 16:46:13 EST 2012

It has been determined that an OSS focused youth group does not seem to
exist in the Triangle area. The purpose of this email is to hopefully
acquire feedback for a proposed tech youth group for kids 10-15 years old.

The meeting(s) would most likely be held on Saturday (if there was enough
interest). I believe Splat Space Durham would be a doable location for

Feedback is requested for the following:
1) Do you have or know of kids between the ages 10 to 15 years old that may
be interested.

2) Would you be willing to do a talk or volunteer to assist in some way.

3) Any other general thoughts or input?

The initial focus would be on basic stuff like Linux OS installs,
VirtualBox, games, music editing programs, the Libre Office suite, GIMP
photo editing, video editing, WordPress, open education, and general
security and safety topics. Most importantly, the goal would be to
encourage open ideas and collaboration and expose the kids to free and
enabling resources. Oh, and it needs to be fun too :-)

I would personally volunteer to help get something like this started by
hosting activities and doing talks. I have a daughter and a nephew in this
age group who would be involved as well.

Is anyone else interested?

Feel free to respond to this list or email me personally,

Jeremy Davis
jeremyhwllc at gmail.com

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