[TriLUG] TWC DVR & Modem Recommendations

Chuck Peters cp at axs.org
Mon Dec 17 10:40:02 EST 2012

On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 7:23 AM, Sean Korb <spkorb at gmail.com> wrote:

> For me, MythTV works best for the ability to use it on any linux
> maching in the house (laptops) and for commercial auto-skip.  Not
> knowing what I'm supposed to watch and purchase or ask my doctor about
> is worth every penny.

Do you have issues with the cablecard CCI flags?

I won't go into our lengthy ordeal with the local cable company, but the
result is we can't watch or record 25 channels we are forced to pay for,
and it is useless to upgrade the service to get more channels as we can't
watch any of them.  They refuse to change the CCI flags, and what is most
frustrating about it is I was told it would be fixed, and prior to buying
the HDHomerun Prime box they said they have no restrictions on their video

See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copy_Control_Information and
http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/CableCARD for a bit more info.  What those pages
are not saying is this cablecard mess should be illegal according to the
1996 Telecommunications Act and that consumers are very limited in their
choices.   I like to summarize it as, the cable companies are treating
customers like pirates.


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