[TriLUG] raspberry pi easily find IP

Pete Soper pete at soper.us
Wed Dec 19 16:31:24 EST 2012

That's good to know.

Some of the distros (e.g. Adafruit Occidentalis 
implement the avahi daemon (Bojour client) so you can just reference 
"raspberrypi.local", but I can't say how multiple RPis on one subnet 
play with this.


On 12/19/2012 02:58 PM, Michael Hrivnak wrote:
> This may be old news, but today I discovered an easy way to spot a
> raspberry pi in a crowd, and perhaps it will be of use to others.
> A coworker brought in a headless raspberry pi, connected it to the network,
> and wasn't sure how to determine its IP address. The subnet is quite
> crowded and active, so it wasn't convenient to consult a dhcp server or
> scan with nmap. I thought perhaps we could find the MAC address printed on
> the device and then use ARP. Alas, the address was nowhere to be found.
> Thankfully, the Raspberry Pi Foundation has its own MAC address space.
> http://hwaddress.com/mac/B827EB-000000.html
> So it was easy to find the device and its IP address with arp-scan.
> (addresses changed to protect the guilty)
> $ sudo arp-scan --interface=em1| grep 'b8:27:eb'
> b8:27:eb:88:01:ab (Unknown)
> Michael

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