[TriLUG] Command Help

John Vaughters jvaughters04 at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 18 10:23:43 EST 2013

Hahahahaaha! Left out the website

From: John Vaughters <jvaughters04 at yahoo.com>
To: Triangle Linux Users Group General Discussion <trilug at trilug.org> 
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2013 9:15 AM
Subject: Re: [TriLUG] Command Help

Hey Everyone,
The email yesterday about the command is a great way for me to introduce a web app I have worked on here and there for years, but not much time in the app itself. It is a fairly simple app and I use it all the time to find commands that I have used in the past and add commands I want to remember. It really is designed for quick command finding and using with a motto of find-copy-modify-use. 
I think the site is self explainable, but one great tip is that once you find the command that you want, just triple click, right click and copy.  That is the ffeature that I like the most. If you add a command, it only gets written to a file, so I can evaluate the command first, so you will not see it right away. I may not get it in the database until the evening, but this is just my sanity check to prevent SQL injection attacks.
I have more features ready, but I need to spend a few more hours to complete them.
Let me know what you think.
John Vaughters
This message was sent to: John Vaughters <jvaughters04 at yahoo.com>
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