[TriLUG] Non-profit seeking bandwidth

Paul Bennett paul.w.bennett at gmail.com
Tue Apr 9 06:19:38 EDT 2013


I'm "the IT guy" for a small local non-profit. We provide a helpline /
listening line serving central NC (and beyond). We connect callers who need
community & social services with those services, serve as a suicide
hotline, provide daily (or more frequent) check-in calls with the elderly &
disabled (and other shut-ins), and are a general-purpose "I just need to
talk to someone" line.

As such, we do a lot of VOIP.

As such, we need consistent, reliable bandwidth.

As a 100% volunteer-based 501(c)3 with an operating budget pretty dang
close to zero, we're currently running off of single a consumer-grade TWC
connection. This is proving to not be a perfect solution.

So, if you or someone you know is in a position to give a very good deal on
business-class service to a very good cause in central NC, please let me
know (on or off list), and I'll see whether I can get a conversation
started with our Executive Director. I suspect we're looking for T1 or
bonded NxT1 service, but the last time we priced up T1 (even with "special
501(c)3 pricing"), it was so far away from practical that it might as well
have been one beellion dollars per second.


Paul Bennett

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