[TriLUG] TWC BC periodic internet disconnections

Scott Thomas chemikalguy at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 11 10:37:55 EDT 2013

Oh yeah, they replaced our Ubee modem with a Motorola. They told me that the Ubee modems had some 'known issues'. Funny. After 14 visits, you'd think that I'd have heard about those 'known issues' sooner.



 From: Bill Farrow <bill at arrowsreach.com>
To: Triangle Linux Users Group General Discussion <trilug at trilug.org> 
Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2013 10:35 AM
Subject: Re: [TriLUG] TWC BC periodic internet disconnections

On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 10:28 AM, Scott Thomas <chemikalguy at yahoo.com> wrote:
"Wow, there's no outgoing traffic, but we show it on our network.
Weird." He rebooted
> the modem and said, "Look at that, it's fixed. He left."

Power cycling the Ubee modem fixes our problem as well.

> Two weeks later, it was down again. I asked them to replace the modem. They refused.
> They kept sending techs who replaced cabling, plug ends, changed the channel that my
> modem was transmitting on to eliminate interference with my neighbors, etc. Finally
> (after 14 tech callouts), they replaced the modem, and 'poof', the problem went away.

TWC BC has already replaced the Ubee once already :-)  The last one
decided to reset it self back to factory defaults - and poof - we lost
our Static IP :-)

Bridge Mode might work, but TWC BC has password protected the modem so
we can't change the config.  The password is no longer based the MAC
address, I checked ;-)

This message was sent to: Scott Thomas <chemikalguy at yahoo.com>
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