[TriLUG] VPN (router) recommendation

Greg Brown gwbrown1 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 18 19:45:14 EDT 2013

I'm not sure about tomorrow but I highly recommend m0n0wall on Soekris hardware.  I've been using them for years without fail.  Excellent documentation is all over the web to get them working in nearly any configuration.  If you are interested in going that route I can provide suggestions to match throughout needs.  You can get a 4501 for around $200 but it won't push much more than ten meg.  Higher end boxes can do much more.

http://Soekris.com (hardware)
http://m0n0.ch (software)

Sent from my iPad

On Apr 18, 2013, at 7:23 PM, Matt Flyer <matt at noway2.thruhere.net> wrote:

> Good Evening Trilug,
> I am looking for a recommendation for a router, specifically for the purpose of providing VPN access for one to six users.  I would like to find something in stock locally (tomorrow), at a price point of about ~$200 or less.  It will be used to connect to a VLAN with DHCP, mostly via Window's clients because of dependency on IE. Ideally, users will be able to authenticate to the Windows domain, though I am not sure off hand how this would work.
> Any suggestions or recommendations would be really appreciated.
> -- 
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