[TriLUG] she++: The Documentary

John Vaughters jvaughters04 at yahoo.com
Thu May 2 08:35:31 EDT 2013

>Right now we have a "bench" of all sorts of experienced, Boomer aged technologists. 
Very True. Although I wouldn't give up on the field. Back in 2000-3 time frame when Telecom fell apart, my 2nd cousin loved computers, but his grandfather who new literally ZIP about computers convinced him that the field was dead and that he should go into law enforcement. He was also a champion paint gunner. (Don't laugh those people are serious`,~)  I didn't really have much influence on this 2nd Cousin, but I disagreed completely. It was also the time I started to ramp up my Linux skills.
Well as time went on The Grandpa became painfully wrong and the market had completely turned around by the time the 2nd cousin graduated with a criminal degree. However, there is a happy ending, he used his computer skills to get into the detective arena and he is not a programmer, but he does have an outlet for his computer skills.
I think the Computer/Programming/Electronic skill set is about to explode and I am pushing anyone that finds this interesting into the field. Including my youngest Son. He is starting his first computer Science class in High School. I guess we will see if he likes it or not.
John Vaughters

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