[TriLUG] Data center servers for sale

Ron Kelley rkelleyrtp at gmail.com
Sun Aug 11 14:37:59 EDT 2013

Greetings all,

We are upgrading o a bunch of gear out of the data center and need to find new homes for the following servers:

2x 1RU Supermicro 1/2deep server - with P8SC8 motherboard, single P4 3.4GHz CPU, 2GB RAM.  We ran these as active/backup pfSense firewalls for our production traffic for 3 years.  They are rock-solid boxes that seem to last forever.

3x 1RU Tyan Tank GT24 - dual node chassis; 1x E5450 QC 3.0GHz CPU, 16G RAM, and 2x 3.5" HDD sleds per side.   This is a 1RU server with 2 separate motherboards.  Each side has its own IPMI interface and were used as ESX servers.

4x 1RU Tyan Tank GT20 single-node chassis;  2x E5430 QC 2.6GHz CPUs, 24G RAM, and 4x 3.5" HDDs sleds.  This is a traditional 1RU server with dual QC CPUs  and an IPMI interface.  Again, we used these for ESX and had no problems at all.

We also have a ton of spare 1TB drives, RAID controllers, small network switches, RAM, etc.  Send me your wishlist and I will see what I have.

I have photos of most of the gear - just ask.  We are just looking to get the best resonable price for the equipment.
Please let me know if you are interested.



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