[TriLUG] laptop shopping

Ken MacKenzie ken at mack-z.com
Wed Feb 5 20:58:11 EST 2014

I don't like spending apple money on my computing.  But I can't fault them.
 I don't think people realize that when it comes to a consumer oriented
*nix workstation with a real time kernel if you do multimedia and on top of
that significant 3rd party hardware support that they are the only game in
town.  In fact if you want to buy anything with a real time kernel off the
shelf they are the only game in town.

My wife and I just had a discussion about the windows 7 instance she has
one of the machines caught some keylogger virus.  Cleaning it now, a
freaking mess.  No big deal but I am tired of this.  She has a need for MS
Office (no matter what I say about Libre office) .  But also I have an
itunes situation where I need that for my ipad.  I am debating buying a
used mac mini to fit her needs and save myself some hassle.

Out of curiosity has anyone gotten an Ipad sync with itunes to work under
linux either in wine or in virtualization.



On Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 8:46 PM, Igor Partola <igor at igorpartola.com> wrote:

> My understanding was that the screen is the biggest selling feature of the
> Pixel. Pure hardware specs are probably won by the likes of Alienware.
> However, as I understand it, currently if you want an Ultra-HD screen on a
> laptop your choices are limited to some MacBook Pro models and the Pixel.
> My take on buying laptops is that the construction of the case, the
> screen, and the keyboard are the main features. I don't know why more
> companies do not put more effort into making those three areas better. This
> is what ultimately drove me towards Apple products: they put a lot of
> thought into the way the device looks and feels before you even power it on.
> Igor
> --
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