[TriLUG] Win7 & virtual machines

Carl Crider c.crider at gmail.com
Thu Feb 6 09:52:41 EST 2014

I agree with John. Only 1 instance of Win7 will be running at a time;
whether it be the
dedicated OS, or the VM. To be honest, I use the same version of Win7 as a
VM on 3
different workstations. None of which are running at the same time. Haven't
had any issues
with updates, etc.

On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 9:25 AM, John Vaughters <jvaughters04 at yahoo.com>wrote:

> Windows = Complicated Licenses
> Right off the bat I would agree to read the actual license you have for
> the version you have. Windows makes the most ridicules licenses you can
> imagine and their is constant arguments about what they even mean. Having
> gotten my frustration out on Windows, I believe you will find that it is in
> fact a license per installed OS for a workstation license. If you are only
> running one license at a time, you may be able to get away with a single
> license on a technicality or stretch of the definition, but I am not
> entirely sure without reading the license. Meaning, you may be able to
> potentially have multiple VM's but only run one at a time. You can also
> contact Microsoft and ask them, but obviously expect the strictest answer.
> Just a thought on the subject.
> John Vaughters
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