[TriLUG] OT: Old Dog In Need of New Trick - Digital TV Recording

Kevin Otte nivex at nivex.net
Fri Feb 7 11:03:06 EST 2014

Since you're just using OTA, my suggestion is to get an HDHomeRun. The 
dual tuner version is $85 from Newegg, so you could record a show and 
watch another. The best part is since the signal is digital, you're just 
writing bits to disk and not having to go through a DAC/ADC cycle. In 
fact, you don't even need a fancy media program. You can command 
recording through a simple script. That said, a quick search seems to 
indicate that it integrates with RaspBMC quite nicely.

-- Kevin

On 02/07/2014 10:56 AM, Roy Vestal wrote:
> Folks,
>   I'm going to show my age. After 19 years of excellent service, my Sony
> VCR (yes VCR) died. We used it to tape TV shows from an over the air
> Digital Converter.
> So I'm looking to replace my 20 yr old technology with something simple.
> I know I could build a MythTV or XBMC, but I'm not looking for anything
> over $100.00. I have RASPBMC running on a RPi.
> Any suggestions?
> -Roy

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